Fresh Take

Are Florida Springs Under Threat?

Florida Certified Organic Growers & Consumers, INC.

Our guests answer questions such as: How are Florida’s springs being protected? How do large companies like Seven Springs receive permits to take water for bottling purposes? What can you do to help? We cover these topics and more.

 With over 700 springs, Florida has the largest concentration of fresh water springs in the world. More than 90 percent of people in Northeast and Central Florida use groundwater, which comes from an aquifer, as their water supply, making the springs a reflection of what is in our drinking water.

Two of the main threats facing the springs are water quality and water quantity.  Thus, controlling pollutants from contaminating the springs and how much water is taken out of the springs is key.

According to Mr. Smart, despite Florida’s water use permit system, its implementation leaves a lot to be desired. With the recent Seven Springs case, a number of these issues are highlighted such as the ease of which permits can be received. 

To receive a permit, three factors must be taken into account: 1) there must be a reasonable beneficial use, 2) the renewing use would not encroach upon the legal rights of others, and 3) public opinion. 

Mr. Haskins explains the details about how the Seven Springs Water Company’s permit to take out nearly 1 million gallons of water per day was approved by the Suwanee Water Management District.

The speakers also gave some strategies on how to help:

-       Stay involved in the process.

-       Attend Water Management District public meetings.

-       Support organizations that monitor the springs.

-       Reduce your bottled water usage.

If you would like to learn more about what the Florida Springs Council is doing, follow this link to their website.

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